The Cyclone Plus Storage Phosphor System
The Cyclone Plus Storage Phosphor System is the only personal radiometric phosphor imager for quantitative filmless autoradiography. It is able to provide high resolution filmless autoradiography of electrophoresis gels, tissue sections, thin layer chromatography samples, bolts and gene arrays right on the benchtop. It is compact, quick, easy to use and affordable. It offers unmatched flexibility and sensitivity for all the radiometric imaging application in the lab. The highly efficient storage phosphor screens take the place of autoradiography filmto capture and gather the activity of samples that are exposed in regular film cassettes. Cyclone Plus uses a helical scanning system and modern confocal optics. It has a distinctive light collection design that efficiently catches the signal for higher sensitivity and a broad linear dynamic range.
Key Features and Benefits
•Easy to use
Convenient benchtop operation, right in your
own lab, with direct digitized output to your PC.
•Highly sensitive
Detects activity with better efficiency than
film reducing exposures 10 to 100 times.
•Linear dynamic range of five orders of magnitude
Enables simultaneous exposures for a wide range of sample
activities that can be reported in DPM/mm
•Replaces film and toxic developing chemicals
— uses reusable, erasable storage phosphor screens, uniquely suited for
different applications.
•Flexible digitized output
Image or data file can be displayed printed, exported, and archived for future reference
•Outputs publication quality images
Provides best results for quantitation of highest resolution autoradiography application
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Typical Applications
•Fast, high resolution results for any tritium-labeled
•In vitro imaging of tissue sections
Replaces traditional film autoradiography with a more efficient and quantitative method
for neurobiology studies
•Analysis of PET radiopharmaceuticals
•Sequencing gels
•Nucleotide metabolism studies
•ADME studies using whole body autoradiography
• Gene and protein expression studies